Jordan 2006

This blog captures observations during a 2006 trip to Jordan by Craig Campbell as part of the Fulbright-Hays Seminar.

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Thursday, June 29, 2006

1st day – The two day trip

About 10:30 on the night before I left I looked at my ticket and compared to the itinerary that I had been emailed. The email that I had been sent in early May had me to go to a website for the designated travel agency. It had a download feature that I was able to download to my computer and palm which contained all of the flight information. The paper ticket and itinerary that I was sent by FedEx was different on flight number and departure time by four hours. After a frantic call to Delta, I discovered that I was leaving at 12:50 not 4:55. This only added to my general anxiety about forgetting something important like my passport. The good news is I made it okay to Atlanta at around 4:30, so that I could wait five hours until 9:30 for my flight to Paris.
The flight to Paris was late. I got to sit in the back of the plane with 20 French high school students 17 of them were girls who giggled in French throughout the night. The airport in Paris is crazy it took a 20 minute bus ride to get to the terminal. One gets to all planes via bus and stairs. I barely made connection. My knees are rubbed raw from the seat in front of me. Jet lag is starting to hit me, so I am going to close. I did get a picture of the other five that came in through Paris.

Cindy and Lil

Paul, Rana, and Matt
There are four more that were delayed from NYC. They are due in at 3:00 a.m. Our first meeting this morning is at 9:30. Security around the hotel is very tight with barricades and soldiers carrying automatic weapons. We went through metal detectors and bag search before we could get in the hotel.

Will, Paul, and Lil


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