Jordan 2006

This blog captures observations during a 2006 trip to Jordan by Craig Campbell as part of the Fulbright-Hays Seminar.

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

Friday, June 30, 2006


We spent the morning receiving an orienation and introduction to Jordan. We traveled to the AMIDEAST offices for our class. The people have been very nice. Jordan is country of 5.5 million people plus 1.5 million Iraqis who now reside in Jordan since the war. One third of the people live in Amman. There is rapid building and change, but they hold on to much traditional Arab culture and conservatism. Many of the social traditions predate Islam and are more Arab and Bedouin and therefore tribal. We are in West Amman which is more westernized. Dress is conservative western for the most part. A few women wear hijab. Learned about Wasta. Wasta means mediation, intervention, intercession, networking, and connections. It is used everyday for everything. People ask you personal questions and give advice without being asked. People watching is a national pastime. Shame (abe) is a big part of the culture and behavior which is part of the system of social control.

Efraim, Lil, Mark, Jayne show intense attention.

Mike and Sally our AMIDEAST directors.


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